What is Academic Probation/Recovery Standing?

Academic Probation/Recovery standing is the second tier of MSU Denver’s three-tiered Academic Standing Policy. This academic standing is applied to students accounts after their second-consecutive, and most recent semester with an overall GPA below a 2.00.

Students will also be placed on Academic Recovery standing if they readmit with a prior overall GPA below a 2.00 at MSU Denver.

Academic Probation/Recovery Standing Guidelines & Expectation:

For each semester on Academic Recovery standing, students must make academic progress toward improving their overall GPA to a 2.00 or higher and returning to Good Academic standing with the university.


Academic Probation/Recovery Standing Semester Guidelines

  • Achieve a required semester GPA of 2.20 or higher during each semester while under Academic Recovery standing.


  • Register for up to 13-credit hours in the Fall and Spring semesters and up to 7-credit hours for Summer semester while on Academic Recovery standing.



Academic Probation/Recovery Quiz & Contract Link

Developing a Plan of Action for Making Academic Progress While Under Academic Probation/Recovery Standing:

Recommended actions to take:

> Complete the Academic Recovery Plan form.

> Based on the Academic Recovery Plan, think about the following:

NOTE: You may want to go over each of these questions with your major advisor/success coach or SIS advising professional.

  • What issues can be resolved during the next semester?
  • Is your learning environment stable enough to take classes during the next semester?
  • Are you financially stable enough to pay for classes for the next semester?
  • Have you been taking too many classes during your prior semesters?
  • What are positive actions that occurred during the prior semester?
  • What are your goals for next semester?

> Schedule and meet with your academic advisor (go through the online scheduling process via the Navigate360 Student app or contact your major’s department) or one of our advising professionals (email sis@msudenver.edu to request an advising appointment) to go over your Academic Recovery Plan and make additions based on their recommendations.

^ Be aware of when your registration window opens for each semester via the University Academic Calendar and the number of credits applied towards your degree (via your Degree Progress Report < login using your MSU Denver user name and password).

Email (to schedule appointments):


Main Phone:


Mailing Address:

Metropolitan State University of Denver
P.O. Box 173362
Box 71 – Academic Review Committee
Denver, CO 80217-3362


Jordan Student Success Building 170 (Window #2) See Auraria Campus Map

Associate Director for Advising Systems & Intervention Services

Kimberly Williams


Advising Systems Coordinator for Intervention Services

Patrick Wise